Integrated Circuit Chip NAT9914BPL – NATIONAL INSUTRUMENTS - IEEE 488.2 Controller Chip



Detailed Product Description


Quick Detail:


IEEE 488.2 Controller Chip





The NAT9914 IEEE 488.2 controller chip can perform all the

interface functions defined by the IEEE Standard 488.1-1987,and

also meets the additional requirements and recommendations

of the IEEE Standard 488.2-1987. Connected between the

processor and the IEEE 488 bus, the NAT9914 provides highlevel management of the IEEE 488 bus, significantly increases

the throughput of driver software, and simplifies both the

hardware and software design. The NAT9914 performs

complete IEEE 488 Talker, Listener, and Controller functions. In

addition to its numerous improvements, the NAT9914 is also

completely pin compatible with the TI TMS 9914A and

software compatible with the NEC µPD7210 and TI TMS9914A

controller chips





Pin compatible with TI TMS9914A

Software compatible with NEC µPD7210 or TI TMS9914A controller chips

Low power consumption

Meets all IEEE 488.2 requirements

Bus line monitoring

Preferred implementation of requesting service

Will not send messages when there are no Listeners

Performs all IEEE 488.1 interface functions

Programmable data transfer rate

(T1 delays of 350 ns, 500 ns,

1.1 µs, and 2 µs)

Automatic EOS and/or NL message detection

Direct memory access (DMA)

Automatically processes IEEE 488 commands and reads

undefined commands

TTL-compatible CMOS device

Programmable clock rate

20 MHz maximum

Reduces driver overhead

Does not lose a data byte if ATN is asserted while transmitting data





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Competitive Advantage:


Warranty :180 days !
Free shipping: Order over $1000 win a free shipment fee
(goods weight below 3Kg) ,during 20130901-20130930 .

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